How to Get Your Teen Back-to-School Ready
Getting back to school may be challenging this year. The good news is that it doesn’t have to feel that way. The trick is to have your child ready for the first day of school. In recent years, student enrollment in charter schools grew more than 70% from 2009–10 to 2015–16. That number will keep growing, too. To ensure your child is ready for what charter high schools offer, your teen must be ready for the upcoming school year. Here are a few tips that can help you and your child tackle the upcoming school year.
Carefully Go Through Their Supply List
Most schools will hand out a list of what the students will need for the school year. You can find most of what you need in your local stores. Sit down and look through everything that you will need to get. Sometimes, the problem is that some families can’t afford simple things like notebooks and pencils. Back-to-school drives have been able to help solve the problem. Another thing to keep in mind is that it is easy to overlook the things that you need on the list. Read over everything before you walk into the store for your shopping trip.
Review Safety Precautions and Rules
There are new measures that have to be taken to ensure the health and safety of every student. This may sound overwhelming, but this has to be done. That goes double for charter high schools. Children may think that they are invincible, but you have to be the one to remind them that they are not. Sit your teen down and have a talk about staying safe and healthy while they’re at school this year. It will benefit them in the long run.
Create a Study Space
Charter high schools expect their students to keep up with their studies throughout the school year. To help your teen acclimate to the new school year, create a study space at home together. Whether it’s in a guest room, the basement, the kitchen, or the living room, give your teen a spot where they can tackle their homework, reading assignments, and group projects. Put a desk in front of a naturally lit space, and ensure all of their technology can easily be plugged in and used. This space will help your teen develop a healthy study routine for their after-school time.
School will be here before you know it, and you have to be ready to tackle the first day. Following these tips can help make things much easier for you and your teen before they head to one of the top charter high schools in your area this school year.