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Author: csadmin

How To Be an A Student: Tips For Success in High School

How to be an A Student in High School: Tips & Strategies At the Rose Academies, we understand that you have a life outside of school and want you to be able to cultivate success in every area of your life. If straight As is one of your goals, we want you to understand that it is possible to...

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How Many Hours Should You Study For An Exam?

How Many Hours Should You Study For An Exam? Studying well can make or break your GPA and is a skill that will come in handy long into your educational future. Let’s take a closer look at how many hours should you study for an exam. A general rule is to spend two hours on homework or studying...

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What Makes a Student Successful?

What Makes a Student Successful?: Maximizing Education Wondering what makes a student successful? Chances are, you can conjure up a clear picture in your mind of what the ideal student looks like: on time, always prepared, engaged in learning, and earning effortless As. What’s their secret? Are...

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