Author: csadmin

Why Do So Many Parents Send Their Kids to Charter Schools?

As a parent, one of the most critical decisions you will make for your child is choosing a high school. High school is the established gateway to higher education. Many parents are making the decision to send their kids to a charter high school in preparation for college. What Is a Charter School? A...

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Three Facts You Didn’t Know About Charter Schools

Across the United States, students are getting ready for school. What you may not know is that, according to the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), more than 2.8 million students attended charter schools in 2015–16, accounting for 6% of all public school students. Charter school enrollment...

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How to Get Your Teen Back-to-School Ready

Getting back to school may be challenging this year. The good news is that it doesn’t have to feel that way. The trick is to have your child ready for the first day of school. In recent years, student enrollment in charter schools grew more than 70% from 2009–10 to 2015–16. That number will...

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5 Tips for Avoiding Class Burnout: Plan Frequent Breaks

Summer break is just around the corner! After an unusually stressful year of school, we understand the temptation to run far from your online class screen or catch a few more z’s before logging in for classroom participation, but we’re not quite there yet. It’s important to finish the year out strong...

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Tips on How to Be Successful in Online Classes

Whether you’re participating in online classes by choice or not, there are a few ways to help ensure your academic performance stays on track. At the Rose Academies, we have been perfecting the blended learning model, including online learning, for years, and have readily adapted to meet the needs...

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