Embracing The Art of Learning at the Rose Academies
What does the “The Art of Learning” mean?
There is a concept found in traditional Japanese martial art systems known as “Shu-Ha-Ri.” This term refers to the three distinct phases of learning – anything at all. Along with these three phases is also a concept known as “DŌ” (sounds like dough), which refers to the entire path (of learning).
Shu-Ha-Ri-DŌ is a signature program of the Rose Academies. It is a unique approach to enable students to discover who they are, learn how to plan and advocate for themselves, and dream bigger about their own future life plans.
The program’s primary objective is to engage students through a fun and exciting ‘game-like’ format, which is broken out into these four skill-building and character-development phases:
First is the SHU Phase:
The SHU Phase trains the Shu-Ha-Ri-DŌ student to learn how to plan and complete their academic goals to graduate high school and develop their skills to express and advocate for themselves.
Second is HA:
In the HA Phase, students expand their thinking by providing a proven framework known as the “HA Kata.” This method of learning How to Learn® trains students to recognize, use, and master the three levels of thought to analyze, synthesize, and stylize their thinking for any academic, social, or life situation.
Third, RI:
The RI Phase cultivates leadership skills by becoming mentors to their peers. Students also take concrete steps towards applying for jobs and enrolling in college or university after high school.
Fourth, DŌ:
The DŌ Phase provides the finishing touch in the student’s high school education. DŌ focuses on the lifelong skills of developing one’s own character in order to be a positive and productive member of their family and community.
Students earn credit through completing the program and report many lasting benefits of participating, such as confidence in public speaking and a positive outlook on their post-graduation trajectory. Students of the program earn an average of two additional credits compared to their peers and increase their attendance by over 30%. In addition to learning the value of showing up for themselves, mastery of the Shu-Ha-Ri-DŌ Program results in personal awareness, confidence, and intellectual prowess.
To learn more about the Shu-Ha-Ri-DŌ program, get involved, and enroll today, please visit our website.