
Rose Academy How To Learn® Program: Innovation & Creativity

The Rose Operating System for Education® How to Learn (H2L®) is the intelligence skills and strategies that are the building blocks of innovation and creativity. Innovation and creativity are desired for all 21st century thinkers.

R.O.S.E.® How to Learn (H2L®) mini “think-tanks” include:

  • A personalized intelligence pre/post quiz
  • Job-embedded inquiry into abstractions, the building blocks of intelligence
  • A straightforward model to use for all intelligent activity including emotional & multiple intelligences

Schedule a workshop or a Professional Development session for your business, organization, or school. The session can be customized to your job-embedded needs – whether teaching reading, encouraging innovation in your work place, or generally improving your intelligence.

Cost runs between $3,000 – $5,000 per four hour session for 10 participants. We can customize this mini “think-tank” to meet your needs.

For further information, contact R.O.S.E.® Management Group at 520-797-4884 (opt. 1).